Thursday, 28 April 2011

more oldies

Some more from the Bandolino Archive - palette knife and oil paint on canvas.


Uncle Dick Madeley said...

Bloody hell! This is real art!

Sarah said...

Both are brilliant but I love the top one. You should get your easel and oils out again. :-)


Thank you! yes I must do more - I'm in planning phase at the moment.

The Spine said...

Amazing. Simply amazing. You should do more of this.

Sarah said...

Winsor & Newton canvas board is very good to work on and isn't very expensive. I also have a little desk easel which I think was about £20 from The Range.

Have you thought of studying a fine art degree? :-)

Sarah said...


No Lure - I havent considered a fine art degree - though I have considered going for a crap one...
No - I did get accepted to art school when I was younger but the grant was so small (didnt have loans and all thet then) that I couldnt afford to go - I got in on the back of writing an essay about Ralph Steadman as it happens. Anyway - the timing just wasnt right - my sister had just gone to Uni and that was putting enough strains on the family purse strings so I ducked out and unfortunatley now I'm burdened with being a grown up and with bills I couldnt afford to do it now either - maybe in the next life...besides I dont think art degrees take people who trace hands....
Spine old chap - long time no hear - are you still a major stakeholder in Tippex??


Actually - looking at these now I do see what looks like proper painting - it couldnt have been me did them but somehow it was - I'm baffled...


Lure - if I had a table worthy of an easel that would be the ticket for me - sadly my table is in the twilight area of my house - a very dark room with no natural light - instead I draw on a board on my knee.
I do have an easel though - its an old bugger that takes ages to get up and takes up most of the living room.Its ancient and its loose rusty nuts arent to be trusted - I always worry it might collapse at the wrong moment - plus it seems to attract the cats.
I'll take a photo as it really is quite a relic.

Sarah said...

I worked and saved my money for my degree, it's also unfinished business. I went to Chelsea School of Art and then should have gone on to study at The Royal College of Art with my friend, but I started selling work as a textile designer and I didn't like living in London... Big regret but hey ho!

I would love to see your old easel. :-S


Ahh - I'm most envious! but brilliant you've gone back to finish the job.
It occurs to me the master may have hacked my computer in tha last description of the easel....i can only apologise...

Sarah said...


The Spine said...

Hate to say it but I think you also traced that face. It looks eerily familiar...

The Spine said...

PS. I'm very jealous of the pair of you... ;o(

The Spine said...


Dog for sale.

The Spine said...


Bigger dog for sale.

Sarah said...

Hahahahahahahahaaaaa. Good work Mr Spine.

Everywhere I go I keep seeing this picture!


Swine - I leave you alone for a minute!